Hu Jiaqi, the Famous Anthropologist: The Continuous Development of Artificial Intelligence Threatens Humanity
Many people think that science fiction is a literary work, a popular science work, and even a children's book. In fact, the real science fiction is for adults. The main task of science fiction is to think about some of the problems that we usually do not care about in daily life. A large number of science fiction works have made in-depth reflections on artificial intelligence. The negative effects of all artificial intelligence that we can imagine today have almost been demonstrated in science fiction. Will artificial intelligence really threaten human society like science fiction? Hu Jiaqi, the famous anthropologist has no doubt about this.
In the film of Lucy, artificial intelligence finally turns into a super-powerful god, which means it is out of control of people. The film Ex Machina is also quite representative. The female robot suddenly made a sin, imprisoned her creator and went out on her own. As for the famous film Terminator, it has become a classic to talk about the killing of human beings after artificial intelligence rebelled against humanity and the desperate resistance of mankind.
Hu Jiaqi, the Famous Anthropologist: The Continuous Development of Artificial Intelligence Threatens Humanity |
Will artificial intelligence get rid of human constraints? This is our biggest concern for AI. In 1942, science fiction writer Asimov first proposed the “Three Laws of Robots” in the short story Runaround, “First, robots cannot hurt people, or stand by when people are in danger.” Second, robots must obey human’s instructions, unless this instruction violates the first article; Third, robots have the rights to protect themselves without violating the above two articles.” In the setting of Asimov's science fiction, the three laws are implanted in the bottom layer of almost all robot software, the rules cannot be ignored or modified. But obviously this is not a physical law, so the real robots don't follow this– not for now.
The late scientist Hawking once expressed his concern about artificial intelligence. In his view, the full development of artificial intelligence may be the doomsday of mankind. Hawking’s idea got many people’s resonances, including Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO and Bill Gates. Mask compares the development of artificial intelligence to “summon the devil”, and believes that super intelligence can take care of human beings like pets. Hu Jiaqi, the famous anthropologist also emphasized the danger of artificial intelligence in his book Saving Humanity. He believes that intelligent robots have the ability to exterminate human beings.
Hu Jiaqi, the Famous Anthropologist: The Continuous Development of Artificial Intelligence Threatens Humanity |
Mr. Hu Jiaqi repeatedly warned that: “Science and technology have the ability to exterminate human beings, and they are not far ahead." "Humans cannot fully and accurately judge the safety of science and technology." "Humans cannot rationally use science and technology well.” In order to avoid the tragic ending of human beings in science fiction, it is necessary to limit the development of science and technology and rationally develop technology.