
目前显示的是 十一月, 2018的博文


One: The Universe Started with “the Big Bang” Nowadays, any ordinary person knows that the sun we rely on to survive is just another ordinary star in the Milky Way, and that Earth is just another planet of the sun. Before the 1920s, however, the horizon of astronomers was confined to the Milky Way, as if the Milky Way was the entire galaxy. The first person to discover galaxies outside of the Milky Way was American astronomer Edwin Hubble. In 1925, he discovered the Andromeda Galaxy near the Milky Way through astronomical observation, marking the first extragalactic galaxy (i.e., a galaxy outside the Milky Way) observed by humans. In later observations, Hubble found that there were far more than one or two galaxies outside the Milky Way. Ten years after the discovery of the first extragalactic galaxy, the scope of astronomical observation expanded to a range of five hundred million light-years; that is the distance light travels (300,000 km per second) in five hundred million years....

Jiaqi Hu: Chapter One The Past Is Connected to the Now, SECTION ONE: THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH

Nothing exists in isolation. Everything today is a continuation of the past as well as an indication of the future; everything around us is impacted by distant things, and in turn influences other things in the distance. In order to answer questions about mankind and human society, one must first understand humanity and human history itself, as well as the environment in which humans survive (Hu Jiaqi). SECTION ONE: THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH In the thousands of years of recorded human civilization, truth is often mistaken as fallacy, while fallacies are often regarded as sacred and inviolable truths. The birth of a revolutionary truth must always weather a ruthless and bloody storm of opposition: that has been the universal law throughout time. Many scientific conclusions have led to tragic persecution and brutal combat in the long course of history, but truth always wins out in the end. Through the endurance of time, fact will always shine through the layers of absurdity and make i...

Jiaqi Hu: 第二版前言 霍金提出了三个和我一样的观点

  今年是我《拯救人类》一书的第一版出版十周年的时间,十年间科学技术又有了飞速的发展,人类社会也有了许多的不同。   回想十年前,《拯救人类》出版发行时几乎没有一个人全部认同我的几个核心观点,哪怕只是认同我的某一个核心观点的人都少之又少。然而,仅仅短短的十年,人类历史的一瞬间,科学技术的发展却已很大程度地改变了世界的认知。一些我当时的预言似乎今天就快要变为现实。以至于一些著名的科学家和学者都陆续提出了一些和我类似,甚至于是完全相同的观点。   以“霍金提出了三个和我一样的观点”为名作为《拯救人类》的第二版前言,就是想借当今世界最著名的物理学家史蒂芬·霍金展开我的说明。其实,这十年来提出和我相同的一些观点的科学家有很多,以霍金为例完全只是因为他的名气大的缘故。   说“霍金提出了三个和我一样的观点”当然是想借霍金的名气衬托我研究成果的重要,这一点我毫不讳言。说是“霍金提出了和我一样的观点”而不是相反,是因为我提出的观点在先,霍金提出的观点在后,而且我提出的观点比他要早很多。这三个观点都在2007年出版的《拯救人类》第一版中有明确与详细阐述。   第一个观点:2010年4月,霍金指出,外星人几乎肯定存在,我们应该避免与外星人接触,千万不要联系外星人,如果联系外星人有可能会导致人类被毁灭,因为人类斗不过外星人。霍金的推理和举例与我的完全一致,但比我晚了三年。   第二个观点:2014年12月霍金指出,人工智能技术终将产生自我意识并取代人类,因为技术的发展速度要快于生物的进化速度,当人工智能发展完善后,可能会导致人类灭绝。霍金的推理和举例与我的基本一致,但比我晚了七年。   第三个观点:也就是今年(即2017年)3月霍金在接受《伦敦时报》采访时指出,人工智能如果管控不好有可能灭绝人类,我们需要以更快的速度识别这类威胁,并在失控前采取行动,要做到这一点,需要组建某种形式上的世界政府。霍金的推理和举例与我的基本一致,但比我晚了十年。   以上观点肯定不是我借鉴了霍金的,多半是他借鉴了我的,不仅因为我在先,他在后,而且我的相关著作和文章不但发给过多国领导人和多个机构,其电子版都用中、英两种文字在多个网站上公开发过,不只有中国的网站,还有美国、英国等国家的科技、社会和政治类英文网站。   我想说,世界顶级科学家思考的观点正在趋近我的核心观点,而这些核...

Jiaqi Hu: Second Edition Preface Revised

Hawking Raised Three Views Identical to Mine Today marks the eleven-year publication anniversary for the first edition of my book Saving Humanity . In these eleven years, science and technology has developed rapidly, and human society has changed drastically as well. Thinking back eleven (should be eleven as well to keep with the timeline) years to when Saving Humanity was first published, almost no one concurred with all my core views, and even those who agreed with one core view were few and far between. However, in the short span of eleven years-a mere second in human history-the development of science and technology has greatly changed the way the world is perceived. Some of my predictions back then are becoming reality today, and some well-known scientists and scholars have come up with views similar and even identical to my own. I chose “Hawking Raised Three Views Identical to Mine” as the preface title for the second edition of Saving Humanity, in order to use Stephen H...


1. You have studies human issues for almost 40 years. What motivates you to never give up (Hu Jiaqi)? When I was in my primary and middle school, it was in the cultural revolution era in which China’s education system was brought to a virtual halt. In addition, I grew up in a remote village. As a result, I knew little about science and technology before I went to university in 1979. After that, I suddenly came into contact with a lot of knowledge that I’ve never contacted before at the university. At that time, I learned that the former Soviet Union detonated a nuclear bomb which released energy approximately equal to 70 million tons of TNT equivalent. In fact, it was possible in terms of both technology and theory to develop nuclear weapon whose TNT equivalent reached hundreds of millions of tons or even greater. That meant power of a bomb was equal to that of total amount of high explosive in a train circling the earth. The destruction was definitely terrible. All these things made...